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Jakie korzyści Shoppi może przynieść mojemu biznesowi?

Shoppi wyróżnia się na tle tradycyjnych sklepów online tym, że umożliwia kontakt z klientami za pośrednictwem multimediów, takich jak filmy, blogi lub zdjęcia. Ponadto, Shoppi przechowuje wszystkie informacje dotyczące sprzedaży, ruchu na stronie oraz innych kluczowych elementów w postaci infografik. W ten sposób otrzymujesz istotne dane na temat swojej firmy w uproszczonej formie.

Wizyta Giełda

Pokaż się w aplikacji Shoppi

Zdobądź nowych klientów. Wypróbuj naszą mobilną reklamę dla Twojego biznesu


Dotrzyj do klientów na podstawie zainteresowań (używając słów kluczowych), miasta, języka lub płci.

Shoppi wyróżnia się na tle tradycyjnych sklepów online tym, że umożliwia kontakt z klientami za pośrednictwem multimediów, takich jak filmy, blogi lub zdjęcia. Ponadto, Shoppi przechowuje wszystkie informacje dotyczące sprzedaży, ruchu na stronie oraz innych kluczowych elementów w postaci infografik. W ten sposób otrzymujesz istotne dane na temat swojej firmy w uproszczonej formie.

Nowy sposób przyciągnięcie klientów

Wypróbuj naszą mobilną reklamę dla Twojej marki.

Nawiąż kontakt z Twoimi klientami za pomocą spersonalizowanego doświadczenia zakupowego

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Możesz dotrzeć do odpowiedniej grupy docelowej na podstawie pozycjonowania i zainteresowań.

  • Zarządzaj swoim biznesem mobilnie
  • Wgląd w ruch na stronie i analiza treści
  • Zsynchronizuj swoją stronę Facebook
  • Zarządzanie zamówieniami
  • Integracja z kontem Twitter
  • Otrzymuj płatności przez PayPal
  • Szablony dla twojej strony
  • Zarządzaj zapytaniami od klientów
  • Zarządzaj personelem
  • Przyjmuj płatności od popularnych operatorów kart
Dużo więcej

Frequently Asked Questions

It's a marketplace with a community of travelers who are looking for products and services to experience the city.

The buying process starts from information search and evaluation of alternatives by the potential buyer; actually, there is a lack of content on traditional eCommerce websites that force buyers to seek information via external channels. Buyers don't return to your business if they don't experiment a satisfactory and memorable experience, therefore statistically finalize his purchase on a competitor website with a more substantial marketing budget.

The content-first strategy allows your company to offer an entertaining shopping experience and drive more awareness to your brand. Your content (videos, stories and pictures) represents your uniqueness. If you want to try this new concept, you can download the App for consumers here: https://www.shoppiapp.com

We use a freemium model, which means, you can use our platform with limited features for an unlimited time without any cost.

We limit to one the number of cities where you can post material per profile, eg. you open a profile in Germany, you can post only in one city for this country. Additionally, we can't offer AI and automatic translations when you upload new content, eg. we generate a set of keywords when you upload a picture based on our data knowledge.

We support top-notch businesses by empowering their customer journey. We genuinely believe that visual categories offer time-saving experience in browsing vast catalogues – with the aid of machine learning, we provide an ongoing tailored SmartFeed to each customer.

Engaging with current customers and attracting new audiences is essential to the survival of most B2C businesses. Shoppi is closer to a social media platform but with the additional benefit of the search engine optimization for your existing marketing material.

We recommend implementing our technology and data during the execution of an advertising campaign to improve the performance, eg. pick the right creative for the city based on our data and implement AI trained auto-responder in the sales funnel.

Our technology will start from scanning your website, social media and existent data on the web to gathering accurate data and keep them synced for you. Our technology and experience in big data and content analysis offers you a powerful and fully automated way of processing and storing your data to appeal to our user base.

We offer a counter on ShoppiApp.com but we encourage your businesses to build the audience with your content because most of our traffic and registrations are driven by organic traffic such as search engines and influencers which is dictated by your content quality.

At this stage, we can offer you consumer's insights and we can share your offer with our existing partners (eg. influencers, hotels, touristic agencies) to seize the business opportunity

If you are a large company, we will assist you with setting up your business profile reply to all your questions (free of charge).

Simply create your free business account at Shoppi, upload your business logo, fill your payment details, and publish your first content such as photos and articles.

Any business that has a product or service that is marketable to the travel market is compatible with Shoppi.

We can help you collecting analytics in different cities with a single access, you can check it on a daily basis and you can also implement Google Analytics/Facebook Pixel.

Shoppi is suitable for any business. Businesses can upload their price list making it possible for customers to book services.

Yes, all customers can connect their domain to Shoppi page or buy a new unique domain.

The minimum contract period is either one month and 1-year subscription for higher plans that is automatically renewable at the end of the period.

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